Tuesday, February 5, 2013

At the end of day 115

Since my last post, we've passed our halfway point of 90 days and completed our mid-year checklist with the homeschool association!  Here are some photos of this and that, ranging from mid-December to early February.  It just takes forever to upload these photos and post--especially when Robert is climbing all over me and slamming my laptop shut!

We went to see The Nutcracker with friends.  This is one of my favorite nights of the year!

Robert had to sit this one out at home with Daddy.  It was a girls' night out.

Ivey is an awesome big sister.
This is what Robert does during homeschool skate, which we've attended several times.

That, and hang out with his friends.  They look like two little old men on a park bench to me.

Ivey got a Sneaky Snacky Squirrel game for Christmas.  Great fine motor!

Just a little Christmas suncatcher painting.

Suzi caught a cricket in her bug box, so we talked about how to tell if it was a boy or a girl, and gave it some fruit and water on a cotton ball.  We let it go a little later.

We finally got to see Kiko at the zoo!  Here's the whole family--Kiko, Autumn, and Walter.

On snow day for ATBAB, Mrs. Megan helped the kids make marshmallow snowmen.


We counted small marshmallows on our 100th day of homeschooling.

And then Suzi shared them.

On our best days, there's a lot of this.

Lots of dress-up and a little fort building.

And taking care of "babbies."

I ordered some color paddles recently for the kids to play with.  It's a fun, mess-free way for them to try color blending.

This is the written work for one chapter of Life of Fred:  Apples.  Suzi loves reading stories about Fred!  I'd decided to stop doing formal math for a little while because I could tell some of the questions were frustrating her, but then she begged me to start back again.  I have to help her figure some of it out and tell her how to spell things, but she has powered through and is doing well with it.  The big things we are working on right now with Fred are counting by fives and beginning subtraction.  Her handwriting is usually a little neater than this.  I think she's mostly interested in putting down the answers so she can move on to the next chapter.  She frequently asks to do the next one immediately.  One thing I love about Fred is that there's not only math, but also other subjects such as history and science sprinkled in the stories.  It's both unbelievable and a relief to me that these books go up through calculus!

I may do another post later listing our favorite things we've done that we don't have pictures of.  Some things just don't make for very interesting pictures, and I frequently forget to take them.  Oh well.  We are covering the subjects, having fun, and (mostly) loving our days together during this difficult first official year with a toddler in the mix!

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